《(精灵宝钻同人)From Mason to Architect》作者:Pollito_Rojo

时间:2021-07-22 23:54:54 作者全部小说

Leonardo da Vinci, Andrea del Verrocchio, Original Elf Character(s), Maglor | Makalaur, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Maeglin | Lómion, Ludovico Sforza, Lorenzo Il Magnifico de' Medici

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Elf architect and human architect, Eighth Age, Elf in Renaissance Italy, Leonardo da Vinci is inspired by elves, Some elf tried to destroy the world because of a fxxking relationship, Two pure and lovely boys surrounded by a bunch of wierd dangerous crazy elves, If Tolkien sees this he will come back to life and punch me, Maglor is super cool, I love Maglor, I love Leonardo, Thank you my 3rd year undergrad architectural history seminar professor I really love Leonardo, I was studying architecture history when writing this one, and I kept loosing my mind so some parts really looks like architectural history paper paragraphs, Tauriel is Maglor's grandchild OR great grandchild, sorry I can't remember because this is not important

我曾经严肃认真地考虑过,叫这篇,《搬砖工画图狗》。补充内容 (2021-8-1 16:48):
