
时间:2010-05-07 20:15:29 作者全部小说


(JJ5.6完结)文案:焦隐,月水般的银发,神秘的紫眸,让人见之心动的容颜却冠有敖国最卑贱的姓氏,然这一切无法压低他的脊梁,他的世界还伫足在那世的平和,他的紫眸还留恋着猩红夕阳下的最后剪影……迷茫数十载,幡然醒悟,却道是生命的沉重让他喘不过气,正视,直面,呐喊……他开始寻找到进入这个世界的入口,战斗,复仇,偏激而执拗,却也在这世界上找到自己的立足之地,哪想等待他的,却是更加卑微的残酷人生,脊梁一次又一次更加沉重的接近地面,愤怒中的他可曾明白最沉重的负担也是最强盛生命力的影象,越接近地面,这段人生愈加真实……瑛岸,泛着青蓝的黑发,清澈如溪水的眸子,这样的孩子,这样的少年乃至他一天天老去,他的温和,他的柔情都由那一双清澈的双眸不断外泄……却不知,拥有这样眼神的人同样拥有深似大海的黑暗,一步步设套,一步步撒网,他所要捕猎的对象是整个敖国……若生命是沉重的负担,那他就是这残酷的生命!两人相遇,皆是翩翩美少年,流光异常的金色年华,光影离合的皇家图书馆,一切都美妙的似不真实的存在,神圣教堂般的剪影里,他们可看见彼此的信念,可触摸到彼此的脆弱……彼此抽出书本的那一瞬间,有坚定,有疯狂也有命中注定!O for a voice like thunder
and a tongue to drown the throat of war!
When the senses are shaken
and the soul is driven to madness
Who can stand?
When the souls of the oppressed
Fight in the troubled air that rages
Who can stand?When the whirlwind of fury comes from the throne of
When the frowns of his countenance drive the nations together
Who can stand?
When Sin claps his broad wings over the battle
And sails rejoicing in the flood of Death
When souls are torn to everlasting fire
And fiends of Hell rejoice upon the slain
O who can stand?
O who hath caused this?
O who can answer at the throne of God?
The Kings and Nobles of the Land have done it!
Hear it not, Heaven, thy Ministers have done it!
内容标签:灵魂转换 幻想空间 天之骄子 穿越时空搜索关键字:主角:焦隐,瑛岸 ┃ 配角: ┃ 其它:
